I started to do a test about a month ago. I added AMP pages to my personal dutch website about my favorite youtube clips.
I did, and still do, not expect much of it, it's just a simple experiment to see if Google indeed gives preference in ranking for sites that offer AMP pages.
It is a WordPress based website with a responsive theme from StudioPress and I use a plugin called Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) from Automattic combined with Glue for Yoast SEO.
After the initial testing the AMP pages looked fine, for me as well as Google.
So after that initial setup I needed to wait…
The First Results on AMP
Today I looked at my webmaster tools and found that there are several AMP pages in their index, and also some with errors that I need to correct.
So I did some extra statistical checks and found that the average position for some of the queries are higher for Mobile than for Desktop devices.
Does that mean that this experiment was a success?
No, not yet, because as you can see there was a short period of higher traffic from mobiles after the update.
That traffic might have come from the changes, but also because there was a post on H&M commercial music that was on television during that time frame.
So I need to wait longer and check again in a couple of months and see if AMP really works in the long run.
And you, did you work with AMP pages for your website yet? Or do you wait for them to become mainstream…
Update – February 2017
After a new review of the Google data in Google search console, I still cannot see a significant change in the number of visitors that I can correlate to the AMP changes.
I do see further position improvement for mobile devices. So Google has picked up on the AMP pages and it looks like they are showing better results for those in mobile search.
In my StatCounter stats, I can see that the majority of my visitors to this site come from mobile devices.
So for me and this website? I would say I am glad I set-up the AMP pages so I can keep a constant visitor stream and provide good options for mobile visitors.
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